About HMPS


Professor Samuel Steman Haldeman portrait

The Haldeman Mansion Preservation Society (HMPS) is a nonprofit 501 (c) (3) organization. Its mission is to restore and preserve the existing buildings and grounds of the Haldeman Mansion property to be used to promote history, education and community use.


The Haldeman Mansion, birthplace of Professor Samuel Steman Haldeman was completed in 1811 by his grandparents, John and Maria Brenneman Haldeman. The style of architecture is vernacular German combined with Federal elements.

The Mansion was placed on the Pennsylvania and National Registers of Historic Places on August 3, 1977. It is #6 on the inventory of historic buildings of the Historic Preservation Trust of Lancaster County.

It is the first historic structure in the Bainbridge-Conoy Township areas to be preserved for public access and serves as a museum house, a community landmark and a meeting place.


The Board of Directors of the Haldeman Mansion Preservation Society recognizes that the primary aim of restoration and preservation in the significance of it as the birthplace of Professor Haldeman and for its architecture. Its location at a site of archeological importance in the study of Native Americans in Pennsylvania is equally important.

Restoration should be directed to the following ends:

1. To preserve the building's architectural integrity and its significance in the area.

2. To demonstrate and emphasize what influence was exerted on Professor Haldeman by his early associations with the house, its surroundings, and occupants.

3. To relate the archeological importance of the area and Professor Haldeman's interest in this and other academic fields. The aim is, therefore, to restore the house and grounds to best provide material evidence of it association with the life of Professor Haldeman and its representation of architectural importance to Lancaster County.

4. Earlier habitation of the site by Native Americans should also be preserved and/or displayed for posterity.

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